Err, yes, that Facebook thingy.
Won’t find me there a lot. Just a reminder to myself that it is still there.
The Home of (C/Q)uiss
Err, yes, that Facebook thingy.
Won’t find me there a lot. Just a reminder to myself that it is still there.
Finished Darwinia today. Great game – “must have” for everyone loving retro style in new tech implementation.
The monkey… …oh, we did this already?
He uses “The Wall” again now, but i think it’s all been said with “Amused to Death”. Nevertheless, what more to say: “I believe we have at least a chance to aspire to something better than the dog eat dog ritual slaughter that is our current response to our institutionalized fear of each other.”
Keep up the good work, Roger. đŸ˜‰