No more dragons!

Being slightly annoyed by the implementation of DRAGONS in Skyrim, I decided to avoid them at any cost.

Wait! There’s a game named “Dragon Age”? Must try!

There we are. Another “Quiss”.

Ultimaker 2+

Broke my first Ultimaker when trying to install the dual feed extension – it is still to be repaired… …lazy me. But my wife was able to convince me that I definitively need the new Ultimaker 2+ as a replacement. This machine is an incredible step forward compared to the first version – I love it.


3D printer – got one now. Still getting used to it, but it’s probably me having the problems with the machine than the other way around.

Guild Wars 2

Not much to say about this game, except from that it is awesome. It does eveything right – OK, there may be different opinions – and is just sheer fun whenever you log in.